As your Peak Performance Strategist, I’ll hold you accountable to live your best life now!
Get ready to walk your talk. Once your thoughts, words and actions match, the profit is FREEDOM. Being congruent results in a better quality of life.
“Most people are only talkers or merely starters. I produce finishers.”
I failed so you don’t have to…
The Secret?
Embrace your past with no regrets and you will be completely FREE
to live your healthiest life NOW.
Achieve Unimaginable Results in Unthinkable Timeframes
With the proven three level attainment process…

Conventional Accountability
Consistent encouragement, motivation and a personal push to drive you forward.

Past Actions Accountability
Learn to take ownership of your past to overcome anchors and inhibitors.

Sustainable Self-Accountability
Develop the self-discipline required to hold yourself accountable for a lifetime.
Master all 3 levels of Accountable Actions ™, and you can accomplish anything.

“I must say Kathy was a tremendous help and guidance. Her advice was unparalleled. She got me to think about the challenges I was facing and see them from a different point of view. I was really in a rut on how to break through the issues I was facing at work. Kathy came at it from a totally different direction and I was able to overcome the challenges and it turned out far better than I ever would have imagined. ” – Jean Marie Magara
“I hired Coach Kathy and she completely transformed my body in 30 days.”
“It was hard in the beginning, but once we got going, I became so excited. I looked forward to going in the morning–getting that workout in. It fueled my day, gave me more energy, and I slept better at night. She’s also improved my posture. She’s amazing! I highly recommend her! She’s completely changed my body and I couldn’t be more thankful.” – Ellison
“Coach Kathy held me accountable. When I told her I was going to do something, she made sure that I did it!”
“I joined Kathy’s 30-day challenge. I was very nervous and scared, but she hugged me, gave me love and encouragement the whole way. She helped me balance my nutrition plan and taking time for myself. She was always readily available to answer all my questions. Coach Kathy held me accountable. When I told her I was going to do something, she made sure that I did it. I am so thankful for her!” – Amy Cason
“Coach Kathy has helped me in many areas of my life, the most important area is accepting myself just as I was. She coached me through some rough, tragic times and gave me the confidence and courage I needed to deal with each situation head-on. I could always count on her to be there when I needed to talk things through. She also gave me the push I needed to get back to the gym, which has been one of the best things I could have done for myself. I’m far more active than I have been in the last eight years and feel the best I have in a long time. When I felt myself slipping backward and trying to keep it a secret, somehow, she knew it, and would guide me back on track. My eating habits have been the hardest thing to get control of because I’ve always believed there were only “good” and “bad” foods and if I ate something “bad”, I would just continue to binge the rest of the day. I figured I ruined the day by that one “bad” food; however, Kathy has taught me that I don’t have to ruin the rest of the day; I can get back on track with the next meal or snack. Hence, my eating habits are improving little by little. Another thing she’s taught me is to not beat myself up which has helped with my negative self-talk. If you want a coach that is passionate, dedicated and always has positive energy, Kathy is that person. If she can help this hard-head, I’m confident she can help you too” – Elaine G

Looking for a peak performance strategist in Tampa, FL?
Every person is born with unlimited potential hidden away in their minds and bodies. Sometimes, your environment or life events can cause that potential to get buried under stress, a fear of change, and a lack of motivation.
Kathy is a professional performance strategist in Tampa who can help you break through your barriers and achieve your true potential in both your personal and professional life. Using a combination of empathy, accountability, and encouragement, along with years of experience as a wellness coach, she’s here to support you throughout your journey of growth and evolution.