Have you seriously checked in with yourself to question or confirm whether you’re happy or not? I was always a happy person until the day came when I was not ok. I developed living in a pattern of unhealthy, broken relationships. I did this for years, back to back.
I got lost in my addiction to drugs after suffering from traumatizing, abusive relationships. I found myself choosing the same relationship partners repeatedly through many years of my life.
One day, I decided to get into action to change the pieces of me that were fragile, the parts of me that were not in alignment with my core values, my authentic self. You and only you can make the changes to live your best life. I have a passion for seeing others live strong. I didn’t learn this way of life to keep it all to myself. I wish for everyone to be happy. This book will show you how to live the life you love. This book will suggest the most important lifestyle habits to become your best you.
These 7 pillars are the blueprint to you becoming happy, whole and secure. In order for you to feel free, be self care designed, elude self respect, embrace self worth and enjoy living in self acceptance you must get into action.
Happiness Comes From Liking Ourselves. That, my friends, is an inside job.
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