Stop Holding on to Your SHIFT




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Are you living in the past? Isn’t it time to let go of anything that does not serve you in a positive or powerful way?

What is literally starving you from feeling free and in total control of your life?

1. Opinions of others
2. Past abuse by the words, actions or sicknesses of another
3. The inability to know who you really are
4. Trying to fit in
4. Seeking acceptance and approval

Close your eyes, now imagine yourself….

1. Beaming with joy at work regularly
2. Smiling with constant bouts of laughter at home
3. Having passionate, intimate love encounters with your plus one on a regular basis
4. Understanding your real place as a parent
5. Having the energy to knock life’s curve balls out of the park
6. Representing an attitude of gratitude which gives you the ability to tackle live with enthusiasm
7. Being genuinely grateful for the good, bad, ugly with all the circumstances life has thrown your way
8. Dropping the ego, pride and jealousy which in fact has cost you financially, mentally, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually to the depths of bankruptcy in those areas
9. Being empowered by vulnerability
10. Seeing the big picture with open-mindedness

I want you to know that by choosing to walk with intention and by chasing a purposeful, personal development lifestyle, your confidence will soar.

You will be able to feel, see and experience security on a level beyond your hopes and dreams.

Why? Because, incredible things arise when you put in the time, effort, sincerity and energy to evolve, overcome and smash limited beliefs.

Be all you can be.

Build your life, one day, one step at a time.  Measure your outcomes, take the right actions to win. Love the life you live.

Millions of people are enjoying the true meaning of life because they have chosen to do the work to smash their fears. They’ve stepped into faith and will continue to conquer any and all obstacles that come their way.

These results proven action steps in this book along with my course will lift you up to your higher potential. This success oriented work will give you the ability to trust and be persistent to persevere when you want to quit. You will use positive solutions when times get tough.

Temptations will arise, the enemy wants to rob you the privilege of becoming the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

This book, plus doing the work it takes to break every chain will empower you to live with the following side effects…
unapologetic self respect and self esteem, a giving heart, grace, mercy and so much success personally and professionally.

Once you have mastered the art of living your best life in the present time, you’ll be left feeling extremely grateful for living a life without guilt, shame or regret.

Embrace the power of FREEDOM it’s right here in this book. YOU ARE WORTH IT SO WORK FOR IT.

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Ebook, Paperback


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